Software Development
Employee Empowerment in IT Environment | As presence and online training
Ready, set, go!
Is your company facing a major change that will mean a huge increase in system and task complexity for the team? For example, are you still using legacy systems and would like to switch to contemporary technologies and architectures such as JAVA/JEE and microservices? With years of experience as IT consultants, we can help you meet the challenges in your work environment, and thus master them and compensate for deficits. With the employee empowerment process, you not only equip your team with the necessary expertise, the right tools or the techniques to achieve high-quality results. You actively engage them in the process to contribute to success. A team that is able to develop is also committed and therefore able to deliver an exceptional performance. We work with you to create a transparent foundation so that everyone involved knows what they are doing, how they are doing it, and why.
Developing your own staff is a necessity for any forward-looking company, but the difficulty lies in finding a common denominator for everyone involved and leaving no one behind. That’s why we offer you targeted and customized team coaching in the IT environment and we are also available to you afterwards for refreshers and further consulting.
From our experience, we know that a learning atmosphere outside your own location can be a real enrichment for the team, which is why we are pleased to provide you with large, modernly equipped training rooms at our locations in Ludwigshafen and Nuremberg.
SQL & DB Design (5 days incl. workshop time)
Training content
- From Data to Design (Creating an ER Model)
- From ER model to tables
- Primary keys, foreign keys
- Creating tables with SQL (getting to know column attributes like NOT NULL, DEFAULT etc.)
- Important concepts (normalization, referential integrity)
- Relationship types (1:1, 1:n, n:m)
- queries on individual tables (SELECT, FROM, WHERE, ORDER BY etc.)
- Joins (Cartesian product, inner join, outer join)
- Aggregate functions (MIN, MAX, SUM, COUNT etc.)
- Subqueries (in WHERE, FROM and SELECT)
- existence quantifier, all quantifier
Java and OOP (5 days incl. workshop time)
Training content
- Procedural basics (data types, branching, loops, etc.)
- Arrays and collections (boxing)
- Strings, string builders
- classes (attributes, methods, constructors, static elements, copy constructor, clone)
- inheritance (derivation, abstract methods and classes, interfaces, polymorphism, LSP, anonymous classes)
- OOD (fundamentals, aggregation, composition, design patterns)
- Exception handling (exception hierarchy, throw, try, catch)
- File handling (streams, reader, writer)
- Database connection (JDBC, Connection, Statement, Resultset etc.)
html and CSS (3 days incl. workshop time)
Training Contents
- HTML5 (basics, basic framework, important tags, parameters, forms)
- CSS (important formats, selectors, combinators, embedding in HTML)
- Javascript (basics, DOM, AJAX, asynchronous API queries)
JEE (3 days incl. workshop time)
Training Contents
- Differences J2SE/J2EE
- Must-know enterprise design patterns
- Event Streaming
- ORM/API/AOP/Spring/JPA/Hibernate/WebServices/MicroServices/JUnit/Rest
- Infrastructure for J2EE (AppServer, containers, etc.)
- Software architecture approaches (MVC, SOA, CloudNative, Modulith, etc.)
Advanced programming in JAVA
Training Contents
- Inheritance
- Interfaces
- Abstract classes & methods
- Enums
- Comparable Interface
- the equals()
- Wrapper/Autoboxing
- Important string methods
- Exception handling
- Cloning objects
Customised in-house training required?
You have an entire team that you would like to provide a training for? If no training or workshop from our portfolio fits, we are happy to design tailor-made training courses according to your wishes. We look forward to your inquiry!