Software Development
Strengthening skills - Successful software development through sound know-how.Format: face-to-face and online training
Duration: 3 or 5 days
Practical & well-founded – software development done right from the ground up!
Is your company facing a major change? We support you in switching from legacy systems to modern technologies such as JAVA/JEE and microservices. With our years of experience as IT consultants, we help to compensate for deficits and equip your team with the necessary know-how. Through targeted team coaching and practice-oriented training, we promote development and collaboration so that your team can achieve exceptional results. Our modern training rooms in Ludwigshafen and Nuremberg also offer you an ideal learning atmosphere.
What can you expect?
You will receive tailor-made training on how to integrate modern technologies such as JAVA/JEE and microservices into your company. By involving the team in the learning process, the development of practical skills and collaboration is encouraged. You will also be offered ongoing support for sustainable development.
Requirements of the participants
➤ Basic knowledge of IT and software development is required.
➤ Willingness to learn new technologies such as JAVA/JEE and microservices.
➤ Team orientation and active participation in the learning process are important.
➤ Openness to new learning methods outside of the usual work environment.
➤ Taking responsibility for your own further development and the team.
Technical requirements
There are no special requirements for the training environment, as the exercises take place with cloud and web-based tools such as Miro, and platforms such as Jupyter or HuggingFace; only a stable and sufficiently fast internet connection is required.
Your added value
➤ You will learn how to deal with complex systems and modern technologies such as JAVA/JEE and microservices.
➤ You will learn how to use relevant tools and techniques for high-quality IT results. ➤ You will be actively involved in the learning process and thus contribute to the team’s success.
➤ You will increase your commitment and performance through continuous development.
➤ You will clearly understand the way of working and be able to implement it transparently.
➤ You will receive regular refreshers and advice for sustainable development.
Workshops and training courses for employee empowerment in the IT environment
SQL & DB Design (5 days including workshop time)
Training content in detail
✔️ Von den Daten zum Entwurf
➤ (ER-Modell erstellen)
✔️ Vom ER-Modell zu Tabellen
✔️ Primärschlüssel, Fremdschlüssel
✔️ Tabellen mit SQL erstellen
➤ Kennenlernen von Spaltenattributen wie NOT NULL, DEFAULT etc.
✔️ Wichtige Begriffe
➤ Normalisierung, referentielle Integrität
✔️ Beziehungsarten
➤ 1:1, 1:n, n:m
✔️ Abfragen auf einzelne Tabellen
✔️ Joins
➤ Kartesisches Produkt, Inner Join, Outer Join
✔️ Aggregatfunktionen
✔️ Subqueries
✔️ Existenzquantor, Allquantor
Java and OOP (5 days incl. workshop time)
Training content in detail
✔️ Procedural basics (
➤ data types, branches, loops, etc.)
✔️ arrays and collections
➤ boxing
✔️ strings, string builder
✔️ classes
➤ attributes, methods, constructors, static elements, copy constructor, clone
✔️ UML
✔️ inheritance
➤ deriving, abstract methods and classes, interfaces, polymorphism, LSP, anonymous classes
✔️ OOD
➤ basics, aggregation, composition, design patterns
✔️ exception handling
➤ Exception hierarchy, throw, try, catch
✔️ File handling
➤ Streams, reader, writer
✔️ Database connection
➤ JDBC, connection, statement, result set etc.
html and CSS (3 days incl. workshop time)
Training content in detail
✔️ HTML5
➤ Grundlagen, Grundgerüst, wichtige Tags, Parameter, Formulare
✔️ CSS
➤ wichtige Formate, Selektoren, Kombinatoren, Einbinden in HTML
✔️ Javascript
➤ Grundlagen, DOM, AJAX, asynchrone API-Abfragen
Programming for advanced users with JAVA (NEW_Suggestion for content)
Training content in detail
✔️ Inheritance
✔️ Interfaces
✔️ Abstract classes & methods
✔️ Enums
✔️ Comparable Interface
✔️ the equals() method
✔️ Wrapper/Autoboxing
✔️ important string methods
✔️ Exception handling
✔️ Cloning objects
Your benefits at a glance
➤ Tailor-made training: Individually tailored training for the integration of modern technologies such as JAVA/JEE and microservices.
➤ Practice-oriented learning methods: Focus on practical training that equips your team with the necessary skills.
We look forward to your inquiry:
Up to 6 weeks before the start of training
You are interested in this training course
Then please call us at +49 621 595702 41, write an email to or send us a written request using the contact form:
Face-to-face training
➤ Including training documents and exercise materials
➤ Cold and hot drinks, snacks and lunch on all training days
➤ Modernly equipped and large training rooms for a pleasant learning atmosphere
➤ Including training documents and exercise materials
➤ Visual collaboration through whiteboarding, for example
➤ High level of interactivity through customized exercises and breakout rooms
➤ Ideal trainer support, even in the breakout rooms
Would you like customized in-house training?
You have an entire team that you would like to train, but none of our software architecture training courses meet the requirements? No problem! We would be pleased to create a customized in-house training with you, no matter if it is for beginners or advanced participants. We are looking forward to your request!